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"CHECKMATE: Achieving goals through choice"
Pubblicata il 12/6/2024

In the world of chess, checkmate is the ultimate result of reflections, strategies, decisions.

A game of chess is a bit like life: we are constantly faced with choices and, to reach our goal, we often have to leave something behind.

Every decision, whether it is accepting a new job (leaving the previous one), dedicating time to a project (inevitably taking time away from ourselves, relationships, other projects), or investing in a relationship (more than others), implies a sacrifice.

Hard to accept? Yes, very hard. But essential if we really want to go somewhere, get to something…on the other side of the chessboard.

Actually, it seems that there are games in which a player manages to win without sacrificing any piece. Often these are educational or “low” level games. Even in life, when the investment is not so high (low emotional, economic, time investment, etc.), we do not perceive the sacrifice. We do not feel that we have to give up something to go somewhere else.

It seems, however, that even among the most famous chess games, there are similar examples. Bobby Fischer, in the 1972 world championship, in Reykjavik, managed to defeat Boris Spassky,   without sacrificing any pieces. Fischer exploited positional superiority, strategy and careful planning.

Can we therefore say that it is possible to win without “sacrificing” anything even in the most complex challenges?

Perhaps Fischer did not leave pieces on the field! But how much energy did he have to invest in the game? And before? In planning, in (fore)seeing, in an almost obsessive way?  

For most of us, the path to success, the commitment to “making things happen” requires sacrifices: of time, energy, relationships, opportunities… Alas, we cannot have it all, keep it all…

So what? All we can do is welcome CHOICE, calling it by its name.

When we give up something, when we let go of a piece of our chess, let us remember that we are choosing to do so in order to have something else, to go somewhere else, to follow our own path…in relation to the circumstances.

Let's focus on what we are building and not on what we leave behind; let's welcome the investment (NOT the sacrifice!) of energy, time, relationships... because this investment allows us to build something that is more important to us.

And then, let's make our move, the first step, to see how it goes… to adjust the tactic from time to time, so that it can support the strategy and the vision. Let's proceed by recognizing which chess pieces we are willing to leave on the field and we move forward without brooding: when the move is made the most useful thing we can do is think about the next move.

Let's get ready to play our game, knowing that every move counts and every choice, easy or difficult, can bring us closer to our checkmate. Let's accept the challenges and prepare to win!



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