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ATTRACTING, CULTIVATING, ACTIVATING, AND DEVELOPING TALENT IS FUNDAMENTAL TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. If you want to live well, if you want to have the satisfaction you deserve, to feel fulfilled...sure, luck counts, but you can seize opportunities only if you have a clear enough view to see them, if you are ready with your baggage of skills and awareness: of the context, the obstacles, your fears, your strengths, and what makes you unique: your talent. Investing in discovering and training your talent means investing in yourself: you are the most valuable resource and ally you have; you are the only person who can really know yourself inside out and on whom you can always really count. With the Talent Up model, you can increase your self-efficacy, clarify what is really important to you, and start building to achieve it, enriching everything you choose to do (or that you find yourself facing!) with meaning. You will discover how to achieve your life and work goals, facing obstacles and overcoming barriers that partly come from the outside and partly from ourselves.


I risultati

The individual COACHING, which you can integrate with various tests aimed at making you more aware from the start of your starting point and strong muscles on which you can rely immediately to move better in relationships, career, negotiation, and self-expression. With Talent Up, you will have access to the most advanced tests of Emotional Intelligence, talents, brain style, leadership, all of which are globally validated by the most accredited organizations in the sector. We also offer dedicated solutions for coaches (mentoring, supervision, and peer coaching); for parents and teachers (orientation for children, teenagers and young adults; design and management of laboratories and classrooms of Socio-Emotional Education); and for young people (identification of purpose; discovery and activation of their unique talents to achieve them and orient themselves in relationships, study, and work).

ADVISORY, for example in career coaching, it's important to integrate personal growth with the development of soft/life skills (such as creativity and the ability to listen and negotiate), work on personal branding, and build a consistent and interesting positioning for the market. In paths dedicated to career development (or management), Talent Up proposes the integration of Value Proposition Canvas, Business Plan, Thinker Toys, and Creative Canvas. IKIGAI, systemic approach (with systemic tools for transformation, mapping, and constellations) can instead become an integral part of life coaching paths.

INNOVATION, because if we do what we have always done, we will always get the same results. The Talent Up model provides for the integration of state-of-the-art technology, such as conversational training with Artificial Intelligence. Innovation for us also means offering training (with one-to-one courses and video courses) on indispensable hard, soft, and life skills for effective communication and relationship building with other people, in various contexts.

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Gli ingredienti

PERSONALITY: investing in talent, for Talent Up, means moving from an entity-based to an incremental thinking model. If we embrace the first model, the entity model, we bring with us the belief that our and others' intelligence, personal characteristics, as well as thoughts and behaviors, are innate and unchangeable. The incremental model teaches us instead that "either we win or we learn"! That is, if something "doesn't go well now", we still have the opportunity to understand how, next time, we could do to achieve a different result - in terms of language used, behaviors, timing...; of skills to strengthen or acquire; of self-limiting beliefs to remove...And thus to learn, transform ourselves, build our "best" version of ourselves.

SATISFACTION: Only by following our talent and letting it guide us can we truly be engaged in what we do, finding meaning in it for ourselves (because talent shows us where to invest: in what comes easy to us, makes us happy, and has value for the world); we can naturally follow the tracks of our values, respecting them, thus feeling a strong sense of peace and internal coherence; we will train those skills that are in line with our talent and our purpose, so as not to waste energy on a thousand things but instead making them fruitful.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Nothing is done for nothing. Even leisure is done for well-being, and well-being is a full-fledged performance, an achievement. We are too used to identifying goals only in terms of productivity. In reality, our achievements concern many spheres, each of which naturally helps us to be more productive as well. Knowing and training our talent can accompany us to grow in many areas of performance: from personal well-being to a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment; from the ability to make decisions without too much rethinking and on solid foundations to the ability to exercise influence and engagement.

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