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Coaching helps talent shine
Pubblicata il 5/25/2022

When I started my coaching work, many asked me "What exactly do you do? What is a coach?" I gave various answers, trying to put into words a profession whose value, in my opinion, can only be fully understood in all its power with experience.


The International Coach Federation (ICF), where I certified as a Professional Coach, defines coaching and ICF coach in this way:

"Coaching is a partnership with clients through a creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential."

"An ICF coach agrees to use the ICF Key Competencies and commits to respecting and being responsible for the ICF Code of Conduct."


I understood the deep meaning of coaching when I accompanied a blindfolded people through the streets of Milan without being able to speak to them, without being able to guide them. In fact, it was the blindfolded people who decided the path!

These people had a goal: to walk and enjoy the stroll.

I had a goal: to ensure that they could achieve their goal, accompanying them, returning signals in important, turning points - for example obstacles on their path. But I could not use my voice, nor push or pull them because the path was theirs. And they had their own tools (legs, arms, sense of smell…). I could only give their arm a gentle squeeze.


The people I was accompanying sometimes did not take a road, despite my signal, and went straight towards a wall. But reaching the wall, my squeeze on their arm took on another meaning: it became meaningful because at that moment, they could experience the wall!. The harmony grew slowly, as did the trust (which, however, was an essential prerequisite of the exercise). It was an extraordinary experience. In the literal sense: out of the ordinary, almost magical.


So, at that moment, I was the coach.

The coach is the one who accompanies, facilitates the experimentation of new perspectives and opportunities but does not choose the path.

The coach manages the process but does not decide the goals.

The choices belong to the partner: choices about whether, what, when, and how. The partner has full responsibility and autonomy in their process.


The coach asks questions, gives summaries, is the mirror of the coachee. It is a means through which the partners learn to know themselves better, to see the tools they have, to recognize obstacles, and to overcome them.

When? Every time something is at stake: a challenge, an opportunity, the desire to achieve results in private or work life.

Coaching is a service.

Coaching makes talents shine that each person has within themselves: that's why I love my job.


If you want to deepen your knowledge of the ethical code of coaches with ICF certification, click here: Code of Ethics

If you want to deepen your knowledge of the key competencies of coaching, click here: Core Competencies


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