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Emotions are inherently positive!
Pubblicata il 9/24/2024

Emotions are invaluable guides that accompany us on life's journey. Each one carries a message that can indicate the direction we should take. For example, joy shows us what we should continue to cultivate, while fear warns us that there is something to pay attention to and prepares us to face potentially difficult or critical situations. Despite manifesting in various forms, in different intensities, pleasant or unpleasant, emotions are practical and useful if we are willing to open to them and learn from their wisdom.


Thus, emotions are always positive. According to a Cherokee legend, two wolves live inside us: one is gentle, balanced, and white; the other is aggressive, noisy, and black. If we feed only the white wolf, the black one will feel neglected and hungry, waiting to attack with increasing vigor to show it exists and deserves to be heard too because it also travels with us every day. However, if we feed both wolves, each one will respect its space and provide its presence when needed.


Just as it is vital to pay attention to both the white and black wolves, it is also essential to pay attention to every emotion, whether pleasant or unpleasant. Emotions that we reject, suppress, or ignore will raise their voices more and more to be heard, ultimately overwhelming us. By listening, recognizing, and welcoming our emotions, we can work with them to promote our well-being and success. Emotions are a bridge between us and the world, our mind and body, ourselves and others.


If you want to learn more about emotions, contact me to join the next edition of the Emotional Bridge Master in emotion management (in partnership with the Evolutionary Coaching School for professional coaches and business managers), personalized training courses, and emotional intelligence tests.


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