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The Talent Up Model brings out the best in your talents.
Pubblicata il 5/25/2022

I founded my brand, Talent Up,  to bring out the best in talents. Each person has incredible talents within them that need to be discovered, nurtured, and activated in order to achieve their goals, whether they be related to personal life, work, or both.


We live in a volatile and ambiguous context where we do not even know what will happen tomorrow and we cannot make plans, which generates uncertainty. Sometimes, uncertainty becomes anxiety, which may arise when we are trying to sleep or watching the news, bombarding us with messages of crisis and speeches rich in "we will do this" and "it is necessary to commit to...," which remain suspended without being translated into actions that have a positive and tangible impact.


And that is when our mind starts to wander like a monkey that we cannot catch.

Do I want to dedicate  more time to my personal life, relationships, and family, while maintaining adequate and respectful performance in the company where I work? Is it time to unleash my full potential? Is it time to try to build something that makes me as attractive as possible to the market?


For each of these questions, you can have an answer! Actually, you already have the answer: you just need to be willing to face it, structure it, and take the first step. Once done, your talent will shine, regardless of anything else.


It is normal to feel blocked, demotivated, and exhausted, but waiting is counterproductive.

If you do not exercise your muscles, they will weaken to the point of atrophying, just like your skills, talents and ability to do and assert yourself. Why wait when you can choose to prepare yourself to live as well as possible and face what life offers you with more serenity?


When I founded Talent Up, I thought of this, exactly. Why should we allow our talent to be overshadowed by indifference and acceptance (because "what would change, after all?”)?

Our life is ours. We deserve to guide it, enjoy it, and live it as protagonists.


The image I have chosen for this text, which represents my model, Talent Up (in its version dedicated to individuals).

It is a model in which I have put all my experience as a manager and coach, which I usually use with companies, but which is also perfectly suited to individuals. It is both a strategic approach and a path that activates various tools combined in a unique way for each individual.

When your talents shine, Satisfaction, Personality and Achievements (what you can read in the "crown" of the model) increase exponentially: you feel more "defined," no longer afraid to show your authenticity; you feel more satisfied because your voice resonates, and your new energy and focus help you achieve the results you want.

But how do you move from the center of the model, talent, to the crown (Satisfaction, Personality, Achievements)?

By using coaching, innovation, and counseling synergistically; by integrating multiple perspectives into a systemic vision, since the human being is a social creature, and relationships are the foundation of everything. What can we really build alone? And if we can do it, who will appreciate it? Who will talk to us about it? Who can inspire us to make what we have done even more beautiful and useful, thereby deriving complete satisfaction?


Without relationships, you cannot sell to anyone.

Without relationships, you cannot buy anything.

Without relationships, you cannot learn anything.


Do you want to you want to know more? Do yo want to boost your satisfaction? 

I am waiting for you at Talent Up to build together a present and future of opportunities, but the choice is yours: running shoes or slippers?


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